Hydroshrimp Cranberry Shellfish Grub Boilie


SKU: VOR71M1 Category:

The Bait

Natural colour, Burgundy red.
Has a good proven track record.
Effective all year round.
Its natural colour washes out slowly.
Produces a powerful food signal (High attraction).
Highly digestible / Nutritionally balanced bait.
A potent cranberry aroma.

The Bait Components

H.N.V milk protein powders (Blended).
Full fat soya flour / Micronized flour.
Blended fish meals.
L.T.94 fish meal.
Pre-digested fish meal.
Oyster shell extract.
Robin Red 7.5% Spice extract.
Amino acids / organic compounds.
Egg Albumen / Whole egg powder.

Blended Flavours

Cranberry / shrimp blended

Liquid Profile

Salmon Oil winterised.
Liquid Salmon extract.
Liquid sweetener.
Fresh eggs used to roll bait.

Bait sizes available

15mm & 18mm Round.
14mm & 18mm Barrels.
16mm Cocoons.
16mm Grubs

Weight .78 kg


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